If so, you are not alone. We work with individuals to expose poor standards and practices in order to highlight animals’ suffering in the entertainment industry and bring about positive change for their protection.
We appreciate that coming forward to speak out can be daunting. We appreciate that, whilst you might be concerned about some practices, you might not want to give up your job. We appreciate that remaining anonymous might be extremely important to you. We appreciate that you might be concerned about how your story is portrayed. We understand the process from experience of dealing with those brave people who have already spoken to us and therefore we make the following commitment to anyone that comes forward.
– We will protect the identity of any individual that approaches us with information and will guarantee complete confidentiality if required
– We will investigate claims and allegations thoroughly; ensuring that any information that is subsequently released into the public domain is factually accurate
– We will ensure that you are involved in every step of the process
– We will not publicise any information without your express consent
To get in touch, email: info@captiveanimals.org
“I had serious concerns about practices at the zoo I worked at. I decided that something needed to be done so I contacted Freedom for Animals for advice. They took my concerns seriously and were extremely helpful and discrete, allowing me to remain anonymous”
“Freedom for Animals is an organisation that can make a difference. They do it anonymously and they do it effectively. I implore each and every one of you, if you are aware of bad practice which is not being addressed, contact Freedom for Animals”