Freedom for Animals and AFAR run a number of campaigns to expose and end the use of animals in circuses.
Arts Council of Ireland
Our current campaign is to persuade the Arts Council to stop funding animal circuses. Funding has been ongoing over a number of years and, as recently as 2010, €60,000 was given to Duffy’s Circus and €10,700 to Circus Gerbola. Fossett’s Circus also received funding but by this time had stopped using animals in the performances.
Click here for more details on this campaign.
You can also help end animal cruelty by writing to your TD and the Taoiseach, calling on them to take action and end the use of animals in circuses.
Please use the information on this website.
Write to your TD at:
Dail Eireann,
Leinster House,
Kildare Street,
Dublin 2.
Tel: 01-618 3000.
If you are not sure who your TD is, click here go to the Houses of the Orieachtas website:
Write to the Taoiseach:
Mr Brian Cowen, TD
Department of the Taoiseach,
Government Buildings,
Merrion Street,
Dublin 2
AFAR and NARA (National Animal Rights Association) organise protests outside animal circuses whenever they are in the Dublin area. If you would like to get actively involved in protests, or help at weekly information stand in the city centre, contact them at or
If you want to get involved with campaigns elsewhere in Ireland or want help in organising your own contact
Have you seen anything at an animal circus that concerned you?
Then let us know!
Many people do not realise that some circuses still use animals, and even then may visit the circus thinking that the animals are probably well cared for.
But members of the public regularly contact animal protection organisations to complain at the way animals are treated in circuses.
These reports are vital to assist us in exposing the treatment of animals in circuses.
If you have seen things in an animal circus that concern you, please let us know. Click here for more details.